Tips for organizing with ADHD/ADD

Tips for organizing with ADHD/ADD

• Wear comfortable clothes.

• Limit your distractions like your cellphone and staying off of social media..

• What is your purpose for the space?

• When cleaning or purging items, prepare yourself that you are making a bigger mess to downsize.

• Giving yourself enough time to complete your task.

• Allowing enough breaks to avoid being overwhelmed by decisions.

• Make sure you have a plan for your meals for your cleaning day.

• Have a deadline when you want to finish your task. Procrastination is a hindrance and prevents you from finishing.

• Having four categories: Trash, Donate, Keep, and I don’t know. “I don’t know pile” is for items you can’t make a quick decision on. So, you don’t get overwhelmed and get distracted. When cleaning is done, start looking at those items and determine what category they belong to. Once the stress of cleaning is gone, you will have an easier time deciding.

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