
Clean Walls with a Mop? I Tried It and Here’s What Happened

Have you ever used a mop to clean your walls? I tried it, and here’s what happened. Read on to find out how I did it, what I learned, and if I’d do it again.

When is the last time you took a risk? How did it work out?


When it comes to cleaning, I usually stick to the basics. But yesterday, I decided to try something new after watching a video that showed people using mops to clean walls. I thought, why not give it a shot? What could go wrong?

The Experiment

Last month, I bought a new mop, but it wasn’t one of those expensive ones. I went for a budget-friendly option, not wanting to overspend on a cleaning experiment. The video I saw made it look easy—just grab a mop, some cleaning solution, and go to town on your walls. So, I did just that.

The Process

I started in my bathroom, where the door and walls could use a good scrubbing. The mop made it easy to reach high spots, and it covered a lot of ground quickly. It did take a bit of muscle to scrub, though. The whole process was surprisingly simple, and I didn’t have to crawl on the floor or climb a ladder.

The Results

By the time I was done, I was feeling pretty sore. It was like a mini-workout, but the results were totally worth it. My bathroom door and hallway wall were sparkling clean, and I didn’t have to spend hours scrubbing with a sponge or cloth.

Would I Do It Again?

Even though I was a bit achy afterward, I think I would definitely use a mop to clean walls again. It’s a quick and efficient way to cover a lot of space. Plus, it’s easier on your back since you’re standing the whole time.

Your Turn

Have you ever used a mop to clean your walls? I’d love to hear about your experience. Share your cleaning tips in the comments, and let’s swap stories. Sometimes, the simplest solutions are the most effective.


Resilient scribe

The reason I haven’t been posting much is that I’m recovering from a concussion. Back in February, I hit the back of my head on a cabinet door, resulting in a concussion.

On the advice of my doctors, I had to limit writing and screen time to allow my brain to heal over the past two months. Despite the restrictions, I chose to focus on my novel.

Now, I can handle writing for longer intervals, and my screen time has also increased.

I’m excited to be back to writing on my blog!


Learning to advocate for myself.

Describe something you learned in high school.

I learned how to advocate for myself to receive the accommodations I needed at school.

I went against the advice of the administration and the school counselors by pursuing a diagnosis for a learning disability. At that time, my school district refused to acknowledge it as dyslexia. When asked why, I explained that I was struggling to complete homework.

Their solution was simply to ‘try harder,’ to stop ‘wasting time,’ and to cease being ‘lazy.’ They refused to acknowledge my learning disability, citing my average state scores as evidence that I was passing.

What they refused to acknowledge was my struggle to complete homework and keep up with my reading. While my test scores were average, the school district ignored the fact that I was consistently the last one to finish my testing.

I finally received a diagnosis of a learning disability, and that was a turning point for me.


March 23, 2024

Why I loved the warmer weather.

What is your favorite type of weather?

Spring and summer, I love the warmer weather. My joints feel better, and I experience less pain. I enjoy seeing nature in full bloom and engaging in more outdoor activities during these months.


Sloppy Joey Cornbread Casserole

What’s your favorite thing to cook?

Presenting the Sloppy Joe Cornbread Casserole! As a devoted fan of classic sloppy Joes, my culinary journey took an unexpected turn when I discovered a tantalizing casserole recipe. The irresistible combination of savory flavors and the comforting touch of cornbread exceeded my expectations. Spoiler alert: It was not just good; it was downright delicious!

Here’s the recipe below:



An old Apple Computer

Write about your first computer.

Once upon a time, in the kingdom of tech, there stood an old Apple computer with a monitor so massive it could have doubled as a small country. It hogged space like a stubborn houseguest and, let’s be honest, was the grandmaster of eye-offending aesthetics. Yet, little did we know, this technological relic was the wizard behind the curtain, opening the portal to the digital wonderland we now navigate with sleeker, less dinosaur-like devices.


Decluttering Demystified: My Personal Approach

Clutter often stems from postponed decisions, and here’s my process to tackle it:

  1. I’ve started putting items back in their designated spaces.
  2. Trash goes straight into wastebasket the moment I spot it.
  3. After purging unwanted items, I organize my space, understanding its actual storage capacity.
  4. Identifying and addressing Hot Spots, such as the kitchen table, counter, and my desk, as Fly Lady suggests.
  5. A crucial step involves maintaining cleanliness—putting items away, discarding broken items, and donating unwanted items, which now only takes a short amount of time.

Boil Peanuts

What snack would you eat right now?

As a child, visiting my grandparents in the South was a special treat, with boiled peanuts being a must. Later, my grandmother and I would savor boiled peanuts and sip Mountain Dew from glass bottles. These moments are truly precious memories!


Jan 13, 2024

Think back on your most memorable road trip.

My memorable road trips involved visiting my family, watching the changing landscapes from the backseat, and listening to music with my parents as they chatted about their forgotten memories. I didn’t realize at the time how valuable those memories would be later on. How precious those memories would be.


Jan 2, 2024

Do you play in your daily life? What says “playtime” to you?

Yes, I do. Reading for fun, like enjoying a great novel that takes me to another place in my mind, is one of my favorite activities. Another favorite pastime is coloring. This past Christmas, I received a coloring book that I had wanted. On the weekends, I love to play video games.


Jan 1, 2024

What are your biggest challenges?

My writing goal is to finish editing and revising my manuscript. Now, I have entered a new stage of writing and editing which can be overwhelming at times.

I want to dedicate more time to editing, one of my goals for 2024. It has been overwhelming working on descriptions of places and how they affect my characters, trying to ensure that readers can visualize these places.


“How 2023 Unfolded: A Journey Through Challenges, Triumphs, and Blessings”

Looking back on 2023, woven with challenges and triumphs, I find myself reflecting on the profound blessings that have defined this year. Each experience has been a step on my journey, contributing to my personal growth and gratitude. Join me as I unravel the highlights of 2023, exploring the moments that have shaped my path, from overcoming health hurdles to forging meaningful connections and witnessing the flourishing of my creative endeavors.

My year started with health trials I faced, as my relationship with the Lord strengthened.

In February, I underwent a life-changing hysterectomy surgery that not only marked the end of my severe iron deficiency anemia but also empowered me to embrace life and pursue my passions. As the months unfolded, this newfound vitality led me to forge new friendships and deepen the bonds with my close friends and family.

Following my passions has led me to discover new tools for both writing and reading. I found a pen from Livescribe that records while taking notes and links to Livescribe+ app. Additionally, I acquired the Scanmarker Air Pen Scanner, which is very cool and helpful for reading books. The Scanmarker app allows me to scan the text, and it reads the material aloud.

This year marked significant growth for my blog, and I am grateful for your readership and being a part of my journey.

2023 has truly been an amazing year, and I eagerly anticipate what the next year holds!



Dec 27, 2023

You get to build your perfect space for reading and writing. What’s it like?

My office would be spacious, well-organized, and cat-friendly. By the huge windows, there would be a cat tree for my cat to watch the birds or sunbathe. In the corner, I would have a comfy chair for reading with a lamp, and next to it would be a huge bookshelf filled with my favorite novels. The desk would have enough space where I could lay out my work. My decor would be beach-themed. The lighting would be the best that I could afford, and highlight the office.


The Decline of Landlines: Embracing the Era of Cell Phones

What technology would you be better off without, why?

Landline phones are gradually becoming obsolete in a world dominated by the widespread use of cell phones. Consumers overwhelmingly prefer the convenience and flexibility offered by mobile devices, making them the go-to choice in today’s communication landscape. Recognizing this shift, phone companies are phasing out traditional landlines and introducing innovative alternatives such as web phones that operate through internet services.

Would I be better off without a landline? I don’t know. Having a landline is nice as a backup for emergencies.


Nov 22, 2023

Do you trust your instincts?

Yes, I do. There have been times in my life when I didn’t listen to my instincts and found myself in situations that could have been avoided.

At times, I followed my instincts, steering clear of serious and dangerous situations. It wasn’t until later that I fully grasped the significance.


Nov 21, 2033

What’s your favorite month of the year? Why?

December! I absolutely love Christmas. The twinkling lights and festive decorations bring so much joy. It’s a time to reflect on the incredible act of God sending His only son to Earth to save mankind. Christmas, for me, is a season of hope and love.